Payment may be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, debit card, checks, Zelle, and/or cash. Credit and debit cards do incur a fee by the CC Company. No fee to use Zelle, cash, or checks.
We do not file insurance claims nor accept Worker's Compensation or Medicaid. We are not a participating provider in Medicare. You will be given a receipt to use at the end of the year for your taxes.
If you have been involved in an auto accident or have a liability claim, discuss your arrangements prior to your visit.
If you personally file to your private insurance company, and additional information is requested by your insurance company, there is a $40.00 processing fee.
Fees for your office visit and treatment vary by the amount of time and complexity involved. Initial office visit/examination ranges from $250.00 to $350.00. Treatment for an established patient, which can be 30 minutes to an hour, range from $90.00 to $250.00.
Blood Testing by Dr. Schramm DC $150 and up for labs. $100 for report and workup.
(Evaluation of cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. Various tests.)
PiezoWave MyAct Treatments: These average $80-$120 per treatment, determined by the amount of 'shock waves' administered. You can elect to buy a package of treatments (usually 6-10 per area) at a discounted rate.
Nutritional Supplements, botanicals,
and homeopathics by Dr. Schramm DC as marked.
X-rays: X-rays are not available in this office. If x-rays are recommended, you may go to the hospital or office of your choice, and we will provide you with an order for them.
X-rays taken elsewhere may be brought in here for interpretation by Dr. Schramm.